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Luke Robison’s spud success with Padgett at his side

Luke Robison, the owner of Luke Robison Farms, traces his roots in farming back four generations in the Klamath Basin. His journey into the world of agriculture began in 2010, when he seized the opportunity to grow potatoes for the Fresh Market. Despite hailing from a farming family, Luke didn’t inherit acres of land or a ready-made operation. Instead, armed with determination and his father’s initial support, he embarked on his own farming odyssey, renting land to sow his dreams.

The early days were fraught with financial challenges. Market volatility in the Fresh Market potato industry dealt Luke a heavy blow, threatening to uproot his fledgling enterprise. But amidst the turmoil, a silver lining emerged. An opportunity arose to pivot towards securing contracts with large chip companies, offering stability in an otherwise unpredictable market. With the support of his community and accounting partner Padgett Klamath Falls, Luke’s operation flourished, expanding from a modest 14 acres to a sprawling 530-acre expanse.

“Because of the amazing community here, I fortunately was able to have some of my initial costs covered, such as my feed and fertilizer costs, until I was able to sell my crops and get back on my feet,” he recalls. What seemed like a setback in the Fresh Market potato industry, turned into a blessing when he expanded his operations into chip contracts, export markets, and restaurant chains.

Amidst the growth of Luke Robison Farms, Padgett Klamath Falls entered the picture, offering important accounting support. Luke recalls how Pam from Padgett Klamath Falls stepped in promptly after his previous accountant’s retirement, helping make sure his books were in order and providing invaluable assistance ever since. For Luke, the responsiveness and dedication of Padgett Klamath Falls stand out as the cornerstone of their partnership. “If I’m in a pickle or need something, Pam is always cognizant of answering phone calls and dropping what she’s doing to make sure my needs are met,” Luke says.

Reflecting on financial management, Luke emphasizes the importance of organization and seizing opportunities. He acknowledges his past disorganization but highlights how working with Pam helped establish a robust bookkeeping system. “I’ve learned the cost of not being organized. It’s expensive and pretty detrimental to a business,” he states. Luke’s advice to fellow business owners underscores the necessity of commitment and adaptability, echoing his own transition from a part-time wage job to full-time farming. Luke emphasizes “to have the willingness to not be nervous to take the opportunities that present themselves to you.”

Luke’s entrepreneurial journey is marked by rapid growth and a commitment to quality. Despite the challenges, he finds solace in his passion for agriculture and the fulfillment of making a difference in his community. “If you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it doesn’t feel like you’re going to work,” he says. His typical day varies with the seasons, embodying the dynamic nature of farming in the Klamath Basin.

When asked about the biggest lesson learned, Luke stresses the importance of risk assessment and adherence to plans. He understands the significance of having a roadmap to navigate the uncertainties of entrepreneurship. Yet, amidst the demands of his business, Luke finds time to rest and recharge during the off-season, indulging in fishing, hunting, and family time.

In closing, Luke expresses gratitude for Padgett Klamath Falls’ steadfast support in keeping his financial affairs in order. Their reliability allows him the peace of mind to focus on what he loves – cultivating the land and nurturing his business. “I just want to say that I appreciate Padgett Klamath Falls’ sticking to their word and keeping my books straight in a timely fashion,” he adds. Together, Luke Robison Farms and Padgett Klamath Falls exemplify the power of partnership and dedication in fostering success in agriculture and beyond.

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