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Luke Robison’s spud success with Padgett at his side

Luke Robison, the owner of Luke Robison Farms, traces his roots in farming back four generations in the Klamath Basin. His journey into the world of agriculture began in 2010, when he seized the opportunity to grow potatoes for the Fresh Market. Despite hailing from a farming family, Luke didn’t inherit acres of land or a ready-made operation. Instead, armed with determination and his father’s initial support, he embarked on his own farming odyssey, renting land to sow his dreams.

The early days were fraught with financial challenges. Market volatility in the Fresh Market potato industry dealt Luke a heavy blow, threatening to uproot his fledgling enterprise. But amidst the turmoil, a silver lining emerged. An opportunity arose to pivot towards securing contracts with large chip companies, offering stability in an otherwise unpredictable market. With the support of his community and accounting partner Padgett Klamath Falls, Luke’s operation flourished, expanding from a modest 14 acres to a sprawling 530-acre expanse.

“Because of the amazing community here, I fortunately was able to have some of my initial costs covered, such as my feed and fertilizer costs, until I was able to sell my crops and get back on my feet,” he recalls. What seemed like a setback in the Fresh Market potato industry, turned into a blessing when he expanded his operations into chip contracts, export markets, and restaurant chains.

Amidst the growth of Luke Robison Farms, Padgett Klamath Falls entered the picture, offering important accounting support. Luke recalls how Pam from Padgett Klamath Falls stepped in promptly after his previous accountant’s retirement, helping make sure his books were in order and providing invaluable assistance ever since. For Luke, the responsiveness and dedication of Padgett Klamath Falls stand out as the cornerstone of their partnership. “If I’m in a pickle or need something, Pam is always cognizant of answering phone calls and dropping what she’s doing to make sure my needs are met,” Luke says.

Reflecting on financial management, Luke emphasizes the importance of organization and seizing opportunities. He acknowledges his past disorganization but highlights how working with Pam helped establish a robust bookkeeping system. “I’ve learned the cost of not being organized. It’s expensive and pretty detrimental to a business,” he states. Luke’s advice to fellow business owners underscores the necessity of commitment and adaptability, echoing his own transition from a part-time wage job to full-time farming. Luke emphasizes “to have the willingness to not be nervous to take the opportunities that present themselves to you.”

Luke’s entrepreneurial journey is marked by rapid growth and a commitment to quality. Despite the challenges, he finds solace in his passion for agriculture and the fulfillment of making a difference in his community. “If you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it doesn’t feel like you’re going to work,” he says. His typical day varies with the seasons, embodying the dynamic nature of farming in the Klamath Basin.

When asked about the biggest lesson learned, Luke stresses the importance of risk assessment and adherence to plans. He understands the significance of having a roadmap to navigate the uncertainties of entrepreneurship. Yet, amidst the demands of his business, Luke finds time to rest and recharge during the off-season, indulging in fishing, hunting, and family time.

In closing, Luke expresses gratitude for Padgett Klamath Falls’ steadfast support in keeping his financial affairs in order. Their reliability allows him the peace of mind to focus on what he loves – cultivating the land and nurturing his business. “I just want to say that I appreciate Padgett Klamath Falls’ sticking to their word and keeping my books straight in a timely fashion,” he adds. Together, Luke Robison Farms and Padgett Klamath Falls exemplify the power of partnership and dedication in fostering success in agriculture and beyond.

If you’re looking for a financial partner to be with you every step of your business journey, Padgett is the partner for you. Find your local advisor here to get started!

Jerry Bowers Builds Poolside Dreams with Padgett at His Side

Jerry Bowers, owner of Bowers Fencing and Swimming Pools, carries a legacy that spans generations. Established by his father in 1957, the business became a familial endeavor, with Jerry joining at the age of 12 and eventually assuming leadership of the fencing and pool division in 1995. Through years of challenges and triumphs, Padgett Klamath Falls has been by his side handling his business’ taxes, allowing him to focus on his passion. 

Reflecting on his early days in the business, Jerry shares, “Neither my dad nor I went to school for business. We just got to work. So not knowing the business side of things presented its own challenges. Over the years, we just had to work through it and figure out what works and what doesn’t.” 

 A relationship that’s been beneficial in Jerry’s journey was his partnership with Pam and Lexi at Padgett Klamath Falls. “I met Pam at what is called LeTip International, which is a referral group in town. Many businesses come to this event with the intention of passing business to each other,” he says. “One of the biggest reasons to do business with someone is cost. And the cost only goes so far, you have to have great service that goes with the cost. And Padgett Klamath Falls provides a blend of both great costs and great service,” Jerry remarks. 

When asked about the value of his relationship with Padgett, Jerry is quick to point out the practical benefits: “Getting our taxes done every year! We’re not financial wizards so we have to rely on the people who are.” 

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, Jerry offers sage advice to fellow business owners: focus on what you do best and delegate the rest. “My biggest piece of advice would be to stick to what you do well and rely on others to do what they do well. Which in our case, it’s relying on Padgett Klamath Falls to handle our taxes,” he says. 

He underscores the significance of finding one’s calling: “Just like I’m called to be a father and husband, I’m called to provide jobs for my employees and provide service to our customers and communities.” He also stresses the importance of prioritizing relationships over profits. It’s about taking care of your customers and your employees. “They’re like family,” Jerry reflects, highlighting the ethos that drives his business forward. 

Despite the demands of his profession, Jerry finds solace in spending time with his family and observing a day of rest each week—a principle he adopted after turning to his faith transformed his perspective on work-life balance. 

As Jerry looks back on his journey, he embodies the adage, “if you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” With the help of his crew, family, and Padgett’s steadfast support, he looks forward to serving his community for many years to come. 

To spend more time doing what you love, let Padgett handle your finances. We’re here to help! Contact your local Padgett office to get started.

Carden of Tuscon aces the test with Padgett

Bette Jeppson’s business-ownership story began at home in 1973, when the oldest of her three children was ready to begin education, leading her to open her first Carden School in Colorado. After serving five years as director of the school, Mrs. Jeppson’s story moved to Tucson, Arizona. “People kept asking me when we would open a school on this side of town,” she said. “So, we did.” 

Mrs. Bette Jeppson, founder of Carden of Tucson, stands in front of the Carden sign

Carden of Tucson opened in 1980, teaching approximately 40 students in rented facilities. “When we first started, we were a private school, and it was difficult to keep all the finances going,” Mrs. Jeppson said. “We had to collect tuition, and I was never one for turning down children when their parents couldn’t pay. In 2000, we became a charter school, and then we just needed to keep our enrollment up.”

Today, 42 years after opening, the school serves over 130 students from kindergarten to 8th grade. As an alum of the school, Katy Martinez now works with Mrs. Jeppson as the Office Manager for the school, helping manage the business side of the school along with teaching several classes.  

“We’re a very small facility, so many of us wear a lot of hats,” Katy said. “I teach 6th grade and 8th grade math, and then I come back into the office and take care of behind-the-scenes stuff like our HR, QuickBooks, and assisting teachers and administration with things they may need.” 

As the Office Manager, Katy works closely with Carden’s accounting partners, Linda Parent and Michale Haubert of Padgett Tucson. “Linda and Michale have been really good at teaching us how to do things. They oversee what I’m doing and help show me what to do. They’ve taught me a lot!” 

Although Padgett Tucson has become a valuable partner for Carden, unfortunate circumstances prompted the school to reach out to Linda originally. 

“We had a business manager who embezzled funds back in 2010,” Katy said. “When we were going through that process, one of our board members was familiar with the original accounting firm where Linda worked. They helped with an audit of our books. After Linda left that firm, we contacted her again and followed her to Michale and Padgett Tucson.”

Katy Martinez and Bette Jeppson take a selfie together in a Carden Tucson classroom

The embezzlement was a nightmare at the time, but Mrs. Jeppson believes that it ultimately strengthened their business. “We found people like Linda to help us with the finances and get straightened out and on a better path moving forward,” she said. “That was the good thing that came out of the embezzlement—we learned a lot.” 

Now, having worked with Linda and Padgett Tucson for almost a decade, the Carden School is acing their yearly audits. 

“Our account is so intricate with it being a school, and it’s so different from a typical business,” Katy explained. “When I started 15 years ago, I knew absolutely nothing except answering the phone and filing a few papers here and there. Now, I learn something new every year. We have to do a yearly school audit, and I really appreciate that Linda and Michale are willing to show us the answers and guide us. They touch base regularly and are always willing to take our calls. Their communication is key.”

Although Mrs. Jeppson is retiring as director, she’s confident that she’s leaving the business in good hands. “It’s been very valuable to have Katy and Linda. I’m just learning to step aside and let the young ones take over! We do really appreciate Linda and her office and all the support they have given us through the years. To other business owners, I’d say find your support system and keep them!” 

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