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Luke Robison’s spud success with Padgett at his side

Luke Robison, the owner of Luke Robison Farms, traces his roots in farming back four generations in the Klamath Basin. His journey into the world of agriculture began in 2010, when he seized the opportunity to grow potatoes for the Fresh Market. Despite hailing from a farming family, Luke didn’t inherit acres of land or a ready-made operation. Instead, armed with determination and his father’s initial support, he embarked on his own farming odyssey, renting land to sow his dreams.

The early days were fraught with financial challenges. Market volatility in the Fresh Market potato industry dealt Luke a heavy blow, threatening to uproot his fledgling enterprise. But amidst the turmoil, a silver lining emerged. An opportunity arose to pivot towards securing contracts with large chip companies, offering stability in an otherwise unpredictable market. With the support of his community and accounting partner Padgett Klamath Falls, Luke’s operation flourished, expanding from a modest 14 acres to a sprawling 530-acre expanse.

“Because of the amazing community here, I fortunately was able to have some of my initial costs covered, such as my feed and fertilizer costs, until I was able to sell my crops and get back on my feet,” he recalls. What seemed like a setback in the Fresh Market potato industry, turned into a blessing when he expanded his operations into chip contracts, export markets, and restaurant chains.

Amidst the growth of Luke Robison Farms, Padgett Klamath Falls entered the picture, offering important accounting support. Luke recalls how Pam from Padgett Klamath Falls stepped in promptly after his previous accountant’s retirement, helping make sure his books were in order and providing invaluable assistance ever since. For Luke, the responsiveness and dedication of Padgett Klamath Falls stand out as the cornerstone of their partnership. “If I’m in a pickle or need something, Pam is always cognizant of answering phone calls and dropping what she’s doing to make sure my needs are met,” Luke says.

Reflecting on financial management, Luke emphasizes the importance of organization and seizing opportunities. He acknowledges his past disorganization but highlights how working with Pam helped establish a robust bookkeeping system. “I’ve learned the cost of not being organized. It’s expensive and pretty detrimental to a business,” he states. Luke’s advice to fellow business owners underscores the necessity of commitment and adaptability, echoing his own transition from a part-time wage job to full-time farming. Luke emphasizes “to have the willingness to not be nervous to take the opportunities that present themselves to you.”

Luke’s entrepreneurial journey is marked by rapid growth and a commitment to quality. Despite the challenges, he finds solace in his passion for agriculture and the fulfillment of making a difference in his community. “If you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it doesn’t feel like you’re going to work,” he says. His typical day varies with the seasons, embodying the dynamic nature of farming in the Klamath Basin.

When asked about the biggest lesson learned, Luke stresses the importance of risk assessment and adherence to plans. He understands the significance of having a roadmap to navigate the uncertainties of entrepreneurship. Yet, amidst the demands of his business, Luke finds time to rest and recharge during the off-season, indulging in fishing, hunting, and family time.

In closing, Luke expresses gratitude for Padgett Klamath Falls’ steadfast support in keeping his financial affairs in order. Their reliability allows him the peace of mind to focus on what he loves – cultivating the land and nurturing his business. “I just want to say that I appreciate Padgett Klamath Falls’ sticking to their word and keeping my books straight in a timely fashion,” he adds. Together, Luke Robison Farms and Padgett Klamath Falls exemplify the power of partnership and dedication in fostering success in agriculture and beyond.

If you’re looking for a financial partner to be with you every step of your business journey, Padgett is the partner for you. Find your local advisor here to get started!

How Padgett Helped Dean Bjorkstrand’s Landscaping Business Bloom

Dean Bjorkstrand, the founder of Dean Bjorkstrand Inc., a thriving landscaping design and installation services business, shares his journey from mowing lawns for neighbors to building a comprehensive outdoor design enterprise. With a passion for the outdoors, a commitment to excellence, and a partnership with Steve Pelner of Padgett Lakeville, Dean’s business has flourished over the years, offering a wide range of services, from patios and retaining walls to irrigation and lighting.  

Dean’s business philosophy revolves around efficiency and excellence. “There isn’t a lot of time that we spend that’s not productive,” Dean says. His commitment to delivering high-quality work is complemented by a dedicated team of employees, with some having been a part of the team for 15 years. 

Reflecting on the origins of his business, Dean recounts, “My dad had a roofing company, and my three older brothers worked for him. I started on that path, and after a summer of doing that, I realized that it wasn’t for me.” This realization led him to explore other options, including mowing lawns for neighbors. Over time, this evolved into the business he runs today, creating outdoor spaces for people to enjoy. 

Dean’s journey took an important turn when he partnered with a friend from high school, leading him to connect with Steve Pelner and, subsequently, Padgett for business accounting. Steve, the older brother of Dean’s business partner, became a valuable resource. Dean explains, “Steve was always helpful. He helped me understand what I could and could not afford to do and what loans I could and couldn’t take out. It’s been invaluable getting this kind of information from Steve, and he’s always been so accessible.” 

Through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, Padgett has played a pivotal role in navigating financial challenges. “With a business, any business really, there are challenges when you start out, and financial challenges are a big part of that,” Dean acknowledges. Steve’s ability to forecast tax implications and provide timely, insightful advice has been crucial in shaping the financial trajectory of Dean’s business. 

Dean values the quick and reliable connection with Steve, highlighting, “I get answers almost right away.” This prompt responsiveness, coupled with Steve’s expertise, helps ensure that Dean is well-informed about his business finances. “I’ve had other tax preparers, and I can tell you that I’ve gotten very bad advice in the past, but Steve, with his knowledge, has helped me understand what’s going on. I learned a lot from him, and it’s important to me to understand these things,” Dean adds. 

The trust and understanding Dean has developed with Padgett extends beyond mere financial transactions. “My relationship with Steve and Padgett is so important to me. They care about me, and they want me to succeed,” Dean expresses with gratitude. This partnership reflects Dean’s broader business philosophy of collaborating with exceptional individuals who share his commitment to excellence. 

In offering advice to other business owners, Dean emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and wholehearted dedication to one’s passion. “The biggest thing I would say is to never stop trying to improve upon things,” he advises. Dean also underscores the significance of consistency in client interactions, building trust over time.  

As Dean continues to grow his business, he cherishes his partnership with Padgett. “Our partnership has been invaluable to me, and it’s been such a great journey” Dean concludes. With a focus on excellence, a love for the outdoors, and a reliable financial partner in Padgett, Dean’s green success story continues to blossom. 

If you’re seeking a reliable partner for your business finances, reach out to Padgett today and explore the tailored solutions we can offer. We’re here and eager to assist you! 

How Padgett Helped Drive Shahrukh Siddiqui’s Journey to Success

Shahrukh Siddiqui began his entrepreneurial journey with a Mexican restaurant in Mobile, Alabama before making the transition to managing Credit America Auto Sales. He embarked on this journey in 2019 alongside his family, aiming to offer customers quality used vehicles and an unparalleled buying experience. “While each industry has its own challenges” he says, “I chose to venture into auto sales because I was looking for something new.” It may not have been a straight path to auto sales, but the one constant across Shahrukh’s businesses was Padgett. 

Shahrukh began his relationship with Saty Putcha, owner of Padgett Mobile, nearly 25 years ago when he was establishing his restaurant in 2010. “Saty and I actually met through playing tennis together” he recalls, “Padgett helped me form the LLC, start the business, and fill out all the paperwork. They handled my payroll, corporation tax returns, and personal tax returns as well.” When he made the move to Credit America Auto Sales, he knew he needed to continue to work with Saty and Padgett Mobile. “It’s a cash intensive business” Shahrukh explains, so finding the right partner to handle his finances was crucial. 

Shahrukh admitted that the early years of a business are never easy. He was committed to providing his customers with top-notch quality and service. Whether it was assembling a dependable human resources team or ensuring that the right personnel were in place for thorough vehicle inspections, it proved to be a formidable task. That’s why continuing his relationship with Padgett felt so important. He had developed trust and a strong rapport with Saty. He emphasizes that even though Padgett serves other clients, “I still feel a personal connection with them. The team is very personable, and I value our one-on-one discussions about my business.” 

While Shahrukh has found reliability and consistency with Padgett, the journey as a small business owner hasn’t always been easy. For the first five years of running Credit America Auto Sales, he sometimes felt like he wouldn’t succeed. He spent up to 14 hours a day at work and hardly took any time off making sure his business was moving forward. His advice to other small business owners is to “keep your expenses low and, in the car business, don’t overpay for your car. Make your money when you buy the car, not when you sell the car.” He adds, “Pay attention to the interest rate you’re paying. While some interest rates may seem low, pay attention to the fees as well.”   

With Padgett at his side, Shahrukh can shift his focus from managing finances to being a strong business owner. “Padgett frees up my time to do what I like, which is buying and selling cars. Otherwise, I would be spending my time keeping my books straight if I did not have them helping me. They’re just a great bunch of people. They go above and beyond to take care of me and my business.” 

Whether you’re looking to start an LLC like Shahrukh or are looking for a reliable financial partner, Padgett’s team of experts can help you through it all. Find your local Padgett office today to get started! 

Successful business owner “Profile”: Jarin Jaffee

Jarin Jaffee’s background was as an educator and administrator in private schools, but after getting involved with Profile by Sanford, he pivoted to a new way of helping people improve their lives. He joined the health and weight loss program in 2018, and in 2019, he opened the Toledo Profile location. “I lost 35 pounds, and it helped change my life, so I got involved as a business owner,” he says. “We’re now the number two Profile location in the country.”

Before opening his business, Jarin joined a Business Networking International group, where he met Tom and Amy Friedel, owners of Padgett Toledo. “I was already connected to ADP and had a bookkeeper in Nebraska through Profile, but I needed an accountant, both personal and business,” Jarin explains. “So, I started with Tom and Amy through Padgett. Eventually, I asked what it would cost to add payroll and moved that over. They’ve helped me with PPP and ERC during COVID-19, my quarterly filings, pretty much everything except bookkeeping.”

With Padgett by his side, Jarin’s Profile business quickly found success. He broke even in less than a year, in March of 2020, and maintained profitability even during the pandemic. By September, his location was in the Top 25 Profile locations nationwide before taking the first-place spot in spring 2021. Though two locations have since merged and pushed the Toledo Profile down to number 2, it remains the top-rated fitness location in Toledo and a preferred referral of many local doctors. All together, Profile Toledo members have lost about 21,000 pounds—including Tom.

“Tom actually joined our gym, and he’s one of our ten members who has lost over 100 pounds in our program,” Jarin says. “We’re proud to support him as a business owner and support his health, because as a business owner his health is not entirely his own. Tom and Amy know what I do and believe in what I do.”

In Toledo, Jarin says that relationship-based connections are key, and that makes Tom and Amy’s large network an important benefit. “He’s helped refer others to us,” Jarin says. “I’ve certainly tried to steer some people their way as well. I consider Tom and Amy a big part of our success and I’m very grateful for them. I recommend Padgett whenever I can.”

“Small business ownership is really hard, even when you’re winning,” Jarin warns. But his advice for other small business owners? “Don’t sacrifice your family and personal happiness because it ends up not being worth it. It’s important to build a team of people to support you—you need those people to help you dig out of your mistakes. Otherwise, business ownership can feel lonely.”

But between spending lots of time at home with his wife and children and working with his Padgett partners, Jarin has avoided the loneliness. “I consider Tom and Amy friends,” he says. “I love their whole staff. They’ve been very helpful beyond the typical small business accountant services.”

“The thing I value most about Padgett is the personal attention,” he adds. “I can ask Tom and Amy questions in an informal way, and they never make me feels stupid. I don’t have a background in finance or accounting, and I know I ask some ‘dumb questions’ but they never make me feel like my questions aren’t worth their time. Shelley is amazing with payroll help, answering questions from my employees. It all goes back to that level of service that’s relationship based instead of transactional.”

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